01 November 2009

2010 Must-have Calendars

You know how deuced impossible it is to find a decent calendar in Prosperonia:

  • Ones with space to actually write stuff in?
  • One that'll tell me that First Sunday in Novembrios is All Saints' Day and when the first of the month coincides with Sunday celebrations and bands (not to mention those delicious young gels primped up in blazers and short skits)
  • Not that that makes up for access to HTC being cordoned off so Mama's unable to walk the distance, so we buy the papers and scoot home, there to start drinking 90 mins early which is not good for me, no matter how delish that first Bloody Mary tastes.

  • To booter (whine slime gringe), any usable calendars are usually sold out by the time Yrs Truly gets round to hunting one down, so we end up with Maman bringing back some planty nonsense to mock me over the next 12 months.

    OK! Horticult-yer-eyes on this lot!!

    Nudge wink say no more, squire.

  • Well, I have solved my calen-dilemma.
  • Also my Yuletide present for Vicar and Vicarene Gulland (whom God preserve).
  • Bet you can't spot the ones I've earmarked for the HTC Prefectorium & Sports Bar.
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